Sunday, 29 April 2018

Note on Experiment Two submission- This Post is not part of my Experiment Two submission

Note on Experiment Two submission- This Post is not part of my Experiment Two submission

I embedded a 3D view of my Experiment Two Sketchup model from 3D Warehouse to my blog before 11.59pm Sunday 29 April, however, I have noticed that this view takes a long time to load. So to make my model easier to find in 3D warehouse, these are the tags #ARCH1101, #EXP2, #2018, #NavyaJayawardena

Lumion Experiment

Axonometric The Lumion Images are Based On
Lumion Images:

Combination Axonometrics

concept one

concept two

concept three
Lumion of Combination three

The flowing of space is represented in the organic form of the tram station and the ramp connects this form to the context

Final Models and Images

Overview of Tram Stop and University
Five Prisms One- Tram Stop
The architecture features overlapping layers and transitional areas which encourages fluid and adaptable living conditions, customary in Indian tradition
The tram stop flows from ramp to seating area to boarding area, with no distinct functional boundaries between them. The grass ramp acts as a second waiting area and the stairs to the boarding area also acts as seats.
Five Prisms Two- Linking the Tram stop to the Context
“All matter is made of light and this matter casts shadow and together the rhythm of light and shadow defines a space.”
Ramp and L-shaped shades are arranged to cast shadows that create a rhythm of light and shade. The columns and rectangular supports under the ramp further this rhythm. Lighting from within the shelter roof gives a sense of mysterious light.

Night Time Views:
The Ramp linking the University to the Tram Stop and the Sheltered Areas Along the University Mall

The shelters consist of a bimetal roof with pores that open according to the sun’s heat, allowing for a more controlled temperature underneath it. The ramp is covered in grass to visually link the university grounds to the tram stop.

The Tram Stop At Night Time

Sketchup Model

Lumion Model (done in Lumion version 7)

Additional Images
View From the Crossing
 View From Tram Station

36 Textures

Chosen Textures:
Light- Used on Organic Glass Form
Middle Tone- Used on Seat in Tram Stop
Dark Tone- Used on Bimetal Roof of Shelter

18 Sketch Axonometrics

Concept One:
All matter is made of light and this matter casts shadow and together the rhythm of light and shadow defines a space.

Concept Two:
Each space should have its own shape and form
Concept Three:
He juxtaposes both materials and geometry, using not only conventional materials like concrete, but also using timber in unexpected ways 
Concept Four:
There is a relationship between servant and served spaces, whereby servant spaces like stairways and corridors facilitate the function of the served living spaces.
Concept Five:
He establishes a hierarchy of spatial organisation in that primary spaces are often centralised, whereas secondary spaces are placed on the fringes.
Concept Six:
"Landscape is the primary architectural mediator, the ground and building are in separable."
Concept Seven:
The architecture features overlapping layers and transitional areas which encourages fluid and adaptable living conditions, customary in Indian tradition.

Concept Nine:
The use of columns to define a space. (Physical columns and columns of light)
Concept Ten:
Flexible rather than rigid approach to the structure “The space… gradually evolves; it modifies and acts as a catalyst."

10 Concepts

Louis Kahn (Dead)

1.  LIGHT: All matter is made of light and this matter casts shadow and together the rhythm of light and shadow defines a space.
2. ROOM: Each space should have its own shape and form.
3. JUXTAPOSITION: He juxtaposes both materials and geometry, using not only conventional materials like concrete, but also using timber in unexpected ways. 
4. SERVANT AND SERVED: There is a relationship between servant and served spaces, whereby servant spaces like stairways and corridors facilitate the function of the served living spaces.
5. HIERARCHY: He establishes a hierarchy of spatial organisation in that primary spaces are often centralised, whereas secondary spaces are placed on the fringes.
Balkrishna Doshi (Alive)
6. SITE: "Landscape is the primary architectural mediator, the ground and building are inseparable."
7. LAYERED: The architecture features overlapping layers and transitional areas which encourages fluid and adaptable living conditions, customary in Indian tradition.
8. BRUTALIST: Brutalism and ruggedness of raw materials such as brick and concrete.
9. COLUMNS: The use of columns to define a space.
10. FLUID: Flexible rather than rigid approach to the structure (“The space… gradually evolves; it modifies and acts as a catalyst." )

Peer Evaluation 2